<< How to use gdb-wrapper >> A debuggee, a program to be debugged, must be compiled like the following: mygcc/bin/gcc -g -pg2 foobar.c Now, type "./gdb-wrapper.pl a.out" to start gdb-wrapper.pl Usually, you can use it as raw GDB, which supports completion, command history, inline editing, and so on. To use commands of gdb-wrapper, type Ctrl+v when a prompt of GDB, "(gdb)", is displayed, then you will see a prompt of gdb-wrapper, "(wrapper)". Type "help" to get help messages about available commands. We implements the following commands in this version: revwatch var_name [target] execute reverse watchpoint operation. var_name is an address of a target variable, like *0x80499ec. an optional argument, target, specifies how many steps we go back. mark save the position. disp diplay a list of marked positions. jump pos_num restart a debuggee and go to the specified position. pos_num is displayed using "disp" command. setpos timestamp [file:line] save an arbitrary position, whose timestamp is "timestamp" and whose flie:line is "file:line". NOTE: We do NOT implement a system to check a validity of given arguments. If invalid arguments given, gdb-wrapper may not work. help print help messages. q quit quit gdb-wrapper. << When gdb-wrapper.pl is moved to other systems >> Execute the last step of Build.sh, which creates gdb-wrapper.pl from gdb-wrapper.in using mkwrapper.pl. If you want to make it manually, do the following. 1. correct the path of "perl" at line 1 of gdb-wrapper.pl. 2. correct the path of modules of perl, which appears in an argument of -I option of perl. Specify a directory containing Expect.pm and IO directory. If you have these modules in perl system area, skip this step. 3. correct the path of gdb like the following: my($gdb_path) = "/usr/bin/gdb";